Why this page?

We are now getting prepared for probably the most important election in the last 100 years of our nation.  I believe we should vote all Republican this year and then begin the process of voting out all incumbents according to the schedule of term limits.

I don’t care who you vote for- just vote out the incumbents on the ballot.

We will be covering a lot of concepts here, check out the menu.  the main thing is to read and understand what has gone wrong with our voting rights and change it.

In every National political election, there are two parties at odds with each other: those who pay to put the politicians into office and those who actually vote to put those politicians into office. Unfortunately, these two sides have gotten further and further apart after each election cycle. To begin the process of resolving this unfortunate problem, I am developing a concept of Vote The Incumbents Out. ™

The basic concept is to vote OUT of office every incumbent, either in the primaries or in the general elections. The concept is party affiliation neutral.


Why Vote the Incumbents Out?   Why not? They are the perceived reasons why we are having such difficulties with the proper functioning of Congress. They are the ones who are getting richer and richer the longer they stay in office. They are the ones who vote, not the way we the voters want them to, but the way the people with money tell them to vote. They are the ones who have stopped telling us how they will solve the problems we present to them and instead tell us that they will solve the problems the way the group who gives them the most money tells them to vote.


We must start with the mandatory (but often considered the first step in the coronation of certain politicians to their designated thrones) PRIMARY elections in 2022. We are concerned here on these pages with the state legislatures and Governors, but we will not deal with them much because there are so many. The same principles for the U.S. Congress and Senate that I will layout here should apply to the state level.

City and county offices (except for giant counties such as Maricopa in AZ and Orange in CA) would probably be exempt as they are generally more responsive to the local electorate.

The incumbent politicians occasionally will debate their opponents, but they feel comfortable because the powers that be are funding their campaigns and the more money sunk into a candidate the more likely they will be elected.

That is how we need to proceed, let the polls (see below) continue to mislead, let them spend their money on their favorite candidate and then come the election VOTE THE INCUMBENT OUT. It won’t happen in all the important races, but it will slowly start to show that the disconnect between the money spenders and the voters and the candidates the voters want in office is changing. When it happens often enough the ‘BIG MONEY’ will start to worry about which candidate in the future will be a good ‘buy’.

The result in the Senate and House races won’t cause much of a change at first. A whole lot of new people in their not getting anything constructive done isn’t much different than a whole lot of experienced people in there not doing what we really want to be done, or not getting anything done either.

By the 2018 mid-term primaries and then the 2020 presidential primaries, the incumbents ought to be worried about whether or not their dynasty will continue, whether or not they will have to actually provide answers and solutions in a debate instead of ‘talking points’. What was once certain re-election may now be difficult to accomplish.

If you want change, this is one of the ways to do it, instead of complaining about the current political situation. It got this bad due to years of complacency and will take a few elections to start shaking up the ‘ESTABLISHMENT’ to make them understand that it is the VOTERS who put them in office not the MONEY BROKERS.


Years ago, polls used to provide a general sense of how the populace’s ideas were being influenced by the rhetoric of the candidates. Now, polls are used to persuade voters that a certain candidate is ahead of the other candidate and generally display the results of the organization that has provided the most funding for the poll.

National Primary

Currently, after five, maybe six primaries, the candidate for the two major parties has been decided and the other states, while they still hold a primary have no say on who will be the candidate. They may still have on their ballots some of the candidates who have dropped out by the time they get around to it. All persons in the United States, who are eligible to vote, should be able to vote on ALL candidates who have qualified to be on a national primary ballot.

This should encourage candidates to spend campaign time in states that have traditionally been neglected by the candidates. This will also focus more attention on the national debates when they are held.


  • Congress should be required to pass a budget as defined by the Constitution. CR’s (Continuing Resolution’s) SHOULD NOT BE allowed (except in times of national emergency or the passage of a budget is imminent within 30 days)
  • There should not be a constitutional amendment to force Congress to complete a budget on time, it is part of their job.
  •  There should be three separate budgets presented: Department of Defense, the United States operating funds- the budget for each of the departments and agencies of the United States, pork-barrel projects. Any budget item that requires the expenditures of funds that is not related to the Armed Services, or the continuation of governments daily operating expenses shall be placed into the pork-barrel budgeting. The Senate shall have the authority to remove any line item from the pork-barrel budget. The Senate shall have the authority to add line items to the pork-barrel budget. Either house by a 2/3 majority can reinstate a line-item pork barrel budget item.


While we should on principle oppose a constitutional amendment to limit term limits, I feel that a total of twelve years in office is the maximum that any nationally elected official should serve (the concept should be extended to the state and county and local officials, with the caveat that in some instances the longer a person is in those positions the smoother the government might run). The chart below should be of concern to everyone – it shows the rate of reelection in the U.S. Congress.


President  – two 4 your terms as per constitution.

Senators – limit them to two 6 year terms

Congressperson – limit them to six 2 year terms.

Elected officials net worth

A candidate (first running for office)  net worth is assessed by an independent organization and posted after the election ( to avoid any influence on the election itself, it should be based upon the individuals character and concepts to assist the electorate in his district – whether it is a Congressperson’s gerrymander district, a Senator’s state, or the United States for the presidential candidate.

By the second election for an incumbent that incumbents Net worth will be provided by the independent organization 45 days before the election.  That would provide the incumbent and opposing individual and the electorate an opportunity to determine if the incumbent is using the office for his/her own political advantage. Some change should be expected, but if the incumbent has more than doubled their net worth at any time during their office holding, then the incumbent should be voted out.

Please check out my other blogs:

www.larrythecontrarian.wordpress.com  for unusual tidbits about the world’s events

www.IAmNotAnAtheist.wordpress.com   for discussions between theists and the secular community.

www.larryemarshall.wordpress.com on the difference between Intelligent Design and Evillution.

Contact me at: LEMBlogs@suddenlink.net

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